Sound-Loaded Books
Initial V/v Books | Author |
Becoming Vanessa | Vanessa Brantley-Newton |
Going to the Volcano | Andy Stanton |
Here Comes Valentine Cat | Deborah Underwood |
I Voted: Making a Choice Makes a Difference | Mark Shulman |
I'm a Zcary Vampire | José Carlos Andrés |
Let’s Go Visiting | Sue Williams |
My Voice Is a Trumpet | Jimmie Allen |
On the First Day of Summer Vacation | Tish Rabe |
One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote | Bonnie Worth |
Penguin on Vacation | Salina Yoon |
The Vegetables We Eat | Gail Gibbons |
Vampire Bite! | Little Bee Books |
Victor Vicuna's Volcano Vacation | Barbara deRubertis |
Vladimir The Volcano: A Tale of an Unforeseen Eruption | Rana Boulos |
Vote! | Eileen Christelow |
Vote For Me! | Ben Clanton |
Vunce Upon a Time | J.otto Seibold |
Final v Books | Author |
Dinosaurs Love Cheese | Jackie French |
Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother Too? | Eric Carle |
Groovy Joe: Ice Cream & Dinosaurs | Eric Litwin |
Let's Go for a Drive! | Mo Willems |
Love | Matt de la Peña |
Love is a Truck | Amy Novesky |
Love Monster | Rachel Bright |
Move Over, Rover! | Karen Beaumont |
Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes | Eric Litwin |
Sarah and the Big Wave: The True Story of the First Woman to Surf Mavericks | Bonnie Tsui |
When purchasing books, please consider supporting your local independent bookstore.
Activities & Snacks
- Explore volcanoes! Draw pictures or make paper mache models!
- Make a van out of a milk carton
- Make a vest from paper bags
- Make a view master out of paper towel rolls then find objects that begin with a /v/ sound
- Make and mail valentine cards
- Make visors (kits are available at educational stores).
- Request a a visit from a guest violinist!
- Take a vote!
- Trace the letter ‘v’ with violet finger paint
- Use your voice! Can you sound happy? Can you sound sad?
- Have a toy vacuum? Pretend to vacuum up ‘v’ words!
- Make a van out of graham crackers and frosting
- Valentine cookies
- Vanilla wafers
- Vanilla Ice Cream
- Vegetable soup
- Vegetables
- Make the letter ‘v’ out of pretzels, licorice, sour ropes or veggies!