Sound-Loaded Books:
Initial W/w Books | Author |
Everybody in the Red Brick Building | Anne Wynter |
Gossie | Olivier Dunrea |
I Want 100 Dogs | Stacy McAnulty |
I Went Walking | Sue Williams |
Little Miss Sunshine and the Wicked Witch | Roger Hargreaves |
Mouse's First Spring | Lauren Thompson |
Mr. Wishy-Washy | Joy Cowley |
Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm | Joy Cowley |
To Make | Danielle Davis |
Where To, Little Wombat? | Charles Fuge |
Whistle for Willie | Ezra Jack Keats |
Winnie the Witch | Valerie Thomas |
When purchasing books, please consider supporting your local independent bookstore.
Activity Information
- Cut a “window” into a shoe box. Place objects that begin with the /w/ sound in the box. Let students reach through the “window” to feel the objects with their eyes closed. Then, guess the /w/ object.
- Go on a walk! See how many objects you can find that start with the /w/ sound!
- Make a wishing wand! Use pipe cleaners, beads and ribbons!
- Make a wishing well full of objects that begin with a /w/ sound. Add some wishing wands to the activity and children can make a wish before pulling objects from the wishing well.
- Wiggle like a worm!
- Put on a warm coat and go for a winter walk!
- Have a Wacky Wednesday! Play Wacky games such as Ned’s Head. Add Wacky items to your classroom and see if your students can find the objects. Then, have a Wacky snack such as an upside down sundae!
- Increase vocabulary! “I wish I was a (animal)” Have students act like the animal and make the animal sound!
- Whisk some homemade whipped cream!
- Go on a worm hunt!
- Gummy worms
- Vanilla wafers
- Waffles
- Water
- Watermelon
- Whale snack crackers
- Wheat Thins
- Make the letter ‘w’ with breadstick/biscuit dough. Bake and enjoy!
- Whipped cream
- Wiggly jell-o with gummy worms